Wedding thank you letters are an important part of the wedding.

What seems like a small thing, might mean more than you think. Your guests surely enjoyed the event, but they may have sacrificed things to be there that day.

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From taking time off of work, saving money for travel, flying to your city, spending money on a San Francisco Limo, getting a babysitter, to hiring someone to take care of their animals when they’re gone—your friends and family really care about you! That’s why a thank you note is certainly a good way to let them know you appreciate them coming to your big day.


So you’ve written “Thank you,” now what?

SFO Limo Service

Add something personal. When you add a personal touch, they’ll know that you actually took a moment to think about them. It also helps create a level of connection. Consider adding a line relevant to their life, such as:


“Good luck on getting the new job Susan!”

“It was so good to see you Osha, hope your little ones are doing great in school.”

“Braden, your karaoke dance moves on the St. Louis Party Bus was hilarious! You’re great!”

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Provide SFO Limo Service as a thank you. Guests will love to have a reliable ride back to the airport.

Grab a St. Louis Charter Bus for your guest’s ride back to the hotel after the wedding and hang a banner that says, “Thank you!”

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When should they be sent?


Most thank you letters are sent out within two weeks after the wedding. Call/Text Now – 800-942-6281