Just like a New York Limousine and Executive Car Service NYC uses is essential to any modern wedding, many couples consider their pets to be a part of the family.

Great Ways to Incorporate Your Pet into Your Wedding

So it only comes as natural to assume that they should be a part of the wedding. The tricky part is figuring out the best way to go about including them into this lively event.

Some pet owners deal with their animal having separation anxiety, fear of crowds or lots of noise, incessant barking, or are very excitable and hard to keep calm.

NYC Car Service

We may be professionals when it comes to NYC Car Service and wedding transportation, but we also have useful tips when it comes to wedding planning as well. So if you are ready to ride with Corporate Car Service NYC loves and start your wedding, bring these tips along with you.


Are you really excited to see all of your friends and family at your wedding? Well so is your dog, even though they may have never met half of them. A key in getting your dog to relax and stop jumping on people is to walk them around for about 20 minutes as you greet your guests. and the less contact they will have with your guest

Executive Car Service NYC

Separation anxiety.

Worried your dog will cry and howl when you leave them to grab your NYC Limo Service? NY Limo Rental

Consider chamomile tea, one of the many ingredients in the popular Sleepy Time tea. Plain organic chamomile tea can be added to their food at the ratio of no more than 45 milligrams per 10 pounds.

Barking and destructive chewing.

Give them something to do. Be sure to provide them with fresh water, treats, and toys.