Many people think that you must spend a fortune to create a beautiful atmosphere at your wedding venue.


Yet, with the advent of DIYers, people are discovering more ways to work with what they have to make a stunning environment for a wedding.


So grab a pair of hedge cutters and head out to the woods to find great ways to add stunning visuals to your wedding with the simplicity of a tree branch.


If you want your venue to look as wonderful as our Wedding Limo Rental Service, grab a few branches and some spray paint. If Martha Stewart can create décor galore with one can of spray paint, so can you! Spray your branches with copper, silver, glitter, or any color that might match your wedding theme and watch the magic happen.

You can add these painted branches to centerpieces to add a little oomph. You can tie them to columns, place them in a large vase, and much more for a cozy atmosphere like a Prom Limo Rental.

Create ambience like you’re in a, find a relatively straight branch and tie a string or rope around each end, leave enough rope to nail or hook above. Basically, you create a hanging curtain rod where you can hang tea light lanterns from, or maybe some of your smaller spray-painted branches.

If you find flexible branches, you can weave them through the back of seats for a country wood chic feel, or use them to finish off a few welcoming wreaths.

Searching Wedding Transportation Near Me, is to grab bush twigs and some colored ribbon. Tie the twigs to railings, wrapping it with ribbon that matches your color palate and finish it off with a bow. Call/Text today at 800-942-6281