In the event that you cannot make it to your friend’s wedding and you have already opted out of the Atlanta charter bus ride, you may want to do something special that would show your sincere apology.
It is not hard to say you wish you could have been there but in the time you have while not attending you may be able to support them in a different way.
Though the reasons may be complicated and time to help out your best man could be scarce, try to find if there is even the smallest bit of time. With only an hour a day to spare you could watch the family dog.
But not only stop by to walk and feed the animal but given your familiarity of the animal you could bathe and groom it for a nice surprise when the newly married couple return from the party bus Boston offered.
While your groom friend is at the ceremony wash his car and mow his lawn. You may not have been able to be in the Atlanta bus charter rental but you could find the time to have your best friend’s car looking just as nice.
A pleasant surprise to find a newly washed car and a freshly cut lawn, and less for your friend to do in his busy return. Cleaning the couple’s house to hotel quality will make them even more happy to return to their home. It does not take much time to tidy up and vacuum a bit. Call/Text today – 800-942-6281